Circle Time

What is Circle Time?

Circle Time is a Teaching strategy. It helps teacher and students to communicate with each other about issues,which related with behavioral of children.It is also called group time,when a group of people are sitting together for an activity involving everyone.
How to start a Circle Time?
Starting it sit with children in a circle.You may sit in a classroom or in the play ground.Any where suitable for you. It is also called a group time, in which group of people are sitting together for an activity.It is special time to share finger plays,chants,rhymes,songs and play with instruments,read a story and participate in other activities.
Circle Time provides a time for listening,developing attention,promoting communication and learning new concepts and skills.It is interaction among children,teachers and resources used.
Teachers have power to make group time more effective and enjoyable for all involved.It is a type of class meeting,in which the whole class sits in a circle to look at issues relating to personal,Social,Moral and Health Education.
What are benefits of Circle Time?
1.It provides a sense of fun and enjoyment.
2.It is used to teach learning skills,moral values and codes of conduct.
3.It gives children a chance to speak.It is used to solve the problems,which are faced by the teacher.
4.It helps in community development.It improves emotional intelligence and improves relationship between children and teachers.
5.It is also used to address certain issue identified in the class,such as too much noise and talking during class lessons.
6.It gives opportunity to socialize .
7.It helps in nurturing the child's social skills.
8. It will help them in their future academic and professional performance.
9.It improves listening skills.The activities of Circle Time helps to promote gross motor skills.
10.It helps in creation of interest towards school.Children love to go to school.
In this way,we see Circle Time helps a child to grow physically and mentally.


  1. Your blogs give me ideas of conducting classes. Thanks a lot. Keep sharing.

  2. this blog is very helpful for me ,its give meidea to understand& teach well


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