How to handle a Slow learner or Backward child.

Who is a Slow Learner?Who is a Backward Child?

A Slow Learner or Backward Child is,who falls far behind other children of his/her age in matters of study. His/ Her intelligence quotient is lower than the average child or children,who remain in the same class  for many years. This backwardness may be due to physical or mental weakness. .The physical and mental short comings in the child, result in emotional immaturity.The other reason of backwardness is defective atmosphere in the home.
Characteristics of Backward Child.
1.Slow growth and development.
2.Low intelligence.
3.Dependent Behaviour.
4.Lack of decision making abilities.
5.Anti Social tendencies.
Suggestion that have been found useful in guiding backward pupils:-
Curriculum should be easy for slow learner.The teachers should be smart enough to handle the slow learner.They need short and simple curriculum.
The methods of teaching should be specialised for slow learner.They should be encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities of school according to their interests and abilities.
Individual care should be taken on health,social condition and teaching methods.A slow learner needs praise,continuous help and sympathetic consideration of his difficulties.
Educational Programs for a Slow Learner:-
Teachers should teach the slow learner by motivating them. When the teachers succeed in motivating the students,their instruction will be effective and education objective can be achieved.
Individual Attention is needed to slow learner.It is necessary that the teacher should be very kind and they should know
individual differences.
The school activity should be organised on the basis of freedom. It  is necessary to give the training to the parents of slow learner
children to handle them.
 Repeat each learning point more than you normally would.Use audio and visual aids.
Use real life example when teaching.
Parents should work closely with the teachers.


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