Qualities of a Successful Teacher.

Teaching job is not "a bed of roses."To become a successful teacher physical,intellectual and social qualities are pre-requisite.Teachers should have following qualities:-
Sound Physical Health- He/ She should have
sound Physical health.This will make him alert,cheerful,happy and dynamic.
Mental Health- The mental health of teacher should be sound.He/She should provide love and care to children and have passion to create interest among children.
Character-His/Her conduct should be right in thought,word and deed,the students by his/her association learn virtue and develop many qualities.
Personality-The teachers should have a good personality,radiant,pleasing, impressive personal appearance,refinement,pleasant manners,enthasiasm etc.
Social adjustment-The teachers should know how to adjust himself/herself to the social surroundings.He/She should be free from worry,anexity,thinking and feeling about himself/herself.
Professional Efficiency-A teacher should possess a strong sense of vocational knowledge of subjects he/she teaches.
He/She should have knowledge of Physiology,Educational Philosophy,aims,contents,methods and materials of instruction skill and interest in teaching.He/She must possess a fair knowledge of current affairs.
Academic achievements-He/She should possess knowledge of fundamentals of subjects he/she teaches.He/She should have a sound academic and cultural back ground.
Thus for a successful teacher,sound academic achievement and professional training are highly essential.


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