Franchise for Pre School

Ipsha Kids
Start your own Pre-School
Exclusively for Sub Urban and Urban areas of India.
Early Learning Centre/Day Care/Kinder Garden.
Under the umbrella of Ipsha Samaj Kalyan Kendra,an N.G.O working for Early Child Hood Care and Education and Women Empowerment.
25 years Excellence in Education.
When you start a Pre -School business,you will require hard work,commitment and a partner organisation,who provide complete knowledge of how to run a successful Pre-School.Ipsha Samaj Kalyan Kendra is an N.G.O working on Early Education and Women Empowerment.For this it provides training and education.So,we are a right choice for you to make a partner organisation.
Infrastructure and Design- We design the Pre-School for you,by sharing interior and exterior design.
Researched Curriculum-Our Curriculum is developed on the basis of research on Early Child Care and Education.It contains work-sheets for each school day.We provide Daily Teaching Plans.Our Creative Worksheets attracts children and these help children to learn and develop holistically.
Teacher Training
We help teachers through our on line and off line teacher training programs.These programs are helped them to remain the best in the business.Our Pre-School Curriculum impacts Mind, Body and Soul.It helps a strong foundation for the little children to learn,grow and imbibe essential life skills.


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