Need of Health Education.

Health Education is necessary for promotion of Health.Health Promotion is necessary for normal health.Parents and Teachers should care the health of children.
In Pre-Primary and Primary Classes by providing Health Education,we develop personal hygiene and Community hygiene habits among children.We encourage them to eat proper type of food in proper quantities,do exercise,take rest and sleep on time.In health education there should be workshop conducted for the parents on how to care the teeth,skin,hair,hands and eyes of children.
Parents should design a time table in which early sleeping hours and early rising hours should be maintained.Immunisation for specific disease is required for children.Parents should help their children in immunization.
Parents and teachers should help  children in using protective alliance such as mosquito neta,fly proof and mosquito repllement.For personal hygiene care should be taken in the school as well as home.Hand wash activities should be performed in the school after going to toilet,before and after taking lunch.
Parents should encourage children to wear the clothes, which are not only clean but also suit their skin and protect them from climate variation.Children should eat food slowly and properly.
Essential Factors for Maintenance of Good Health
1.Addequate quantities of proper nutrition
2.Adequate quantities of safe drinking water.
3.Proper shelter with adequate ventilation and lighting
4.Proper clothing
5.Proper exercise,rest and recreation
6.Personal hygiene
7.Proovision and utilization of health services.


  1. Nice topic .... It is very important topic to know about.

  2. Need to spread knowledge about it . Very important for all of us. Great effort.


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