Importance of Girl's Education:-.

Importance of Education:-
Everyone needs to be educated. Education helps to be a an independent and functional person. It leads towards a better future. According to Aristole "Education is the creation of a sound mind in a sound body. According to John Deyey "Education is the process of living through a continuous reconstruction of experiences.

What are impact on society, if girls are not educated:-
If girls are uneducated then they will be less aware about everything and they are more dependent on others. They will not be able to enjoy the joys of reading, writing and learning. Uneducated girls spend their time worthless.  In a Patriach society girls education is an important issue. It is generally believed that educating a girl is a wastage of time and money. As she is married off and the focus should be on preparing her for better house maker.
But educating a girl has multiple benefits,such as :-
Benefits of Girls Education:-(i) It helps her to make better decisions as she is aware and informed.                                                        (ii)She has better say in the family matters.
(iii)She will be able to take better choices for her kids.
Why one should support Girls Education:-
Decrease Infant Mortality- Girls  who receives an education are aware about HIV and AIDS.So these don't pass their children.
Decrease Child Marriage-Educated girls marry later,when they are better able to bear and care for their children.

   In controlling population Explosion-Educated women like to have one or two healthier children.
Improve Socio Economic Growth-Educated women have a greater chance of escaping poverty,leading and healthier and more productive lives and raising the standard of living for their children,families and communities. So an educated women will  be able to add progressively to the society.
In this way Education saves and improves the lives of girls and women,ultimately leading to more equitable development,stronger families,better services,better child health,Educating girls has a wide ranging impact on society and human development.Enhanced economic development.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       


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