Franchise for Pre School

Ipsha Kids Pre-School Start your own Pre-School Exclusively for Sub Urban and Urban areas of India. Early Learning Centre/Day Care/Kinder Garden. Under the umbrella of Ipsha Samaj Kalyan Kendra,an N.G.O working for Early Child Hood Care and Education and Women Empowerment. 25 years Excellence in Education. When you start a Pre -School business,you will require hard work,commitment and a partner organisation,who provide complete knowledge of how to run a successful Pre-School.Ipsha Samaj Kalyan Kendra is an N.G.O working on Early Education and Women Empowerment.For this it provides training and education.So,we are a right choice for you to make a partner organisation. Infrastructure and Design- We design the Pre-School for you,by sharing interior and exterior design. Researched Curriculum-Our Curriculum is developed on the basis of research on Early Child Care and Education.It contains work-sheets for each school day.We ...