Home Work and Role of parents in its assistance.

Home Work is as essential as Class Work.Occupation is the one secret of a good and healthy moral life. Homework is an occupation given by the principles. It gives opportunity of doing the work unaided and yet successfully, will develop self-reliance and make possible greater confidence for the higher tasks. How one should help his/her child in doing homework? Parental care is necessary in completing the homework. Parents should provide help to their children in doing homework. 1. You should know about the school curriculum and homework policies of the school. You should know how to involve. 2. Set up a home work doing place. There should be a small table with a small chair. You should have a chair for self also. Please sit beside. When the child does his/her homework. 3. A fix time should be scheduled for doing homework. It should be after snack and before dinner. 4. Break up the homework into manageable chunks. Break is necessary for doing homework. 5. Ke...